Flicka (2006)

Spotted: Coca-Cola banner
in the Movie: Flicka  (2006)
by: coca-cola-movies

Producer: Gil Netter
Director: Michael Mayer
Description: Sixteen year old Katie McLaughlin is a headstrong and determined teenager trying to find her way in life. Katie forms a bond with a wild horse she names Flicka. Despite pleas from her father not to ride Flicka, Katy sets out to follow her own path not only with the horse, but with her future to show that she is capable taming Flicka and one day taking over the family ranch. (Source: IMDB)
Coke Brands: As the rodeo announcer tells audience that the wild horse race is about to start, a large Coca-Cola poster is seen on the inner arena wall. A close up of the same Coca-Cola Real poster is in the background as the cowboys enter the arena. Another Coca-Cola poster is seen in the refreshment area when Rob and Nell find out that Howard (and Katy) are in the wild horse race.

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