Michael Clayton (2007)

Spotted: Coca-Cola fountain dispenser, sign, 2-liter bottle of Coke, Coke and Diet Coke cans
in the Movie: Michael Clayton  (2007)
by: coca-cola-movies

Producer: Jennifer Fox, Kerry Orent, Sydney Pollack, Steve Samuels
Director: Tony Gilroy
Description: Attorney Michael Clayton is a fixer, the go-to guy when his powerful New York law firm wants a mess swept under the rug. But now he's handed a crisis even he may not be able to fix. The firm's top litigator in a $3-billion case has gone from advocate to whistleblower. And the more Michael tries to undo the damage, the more he's up against forces that put corporate survival over human life - including Michael's. George Clooney portrays Michael, backed into a career corner that offers little room to fight free in this suspense and star-packed thriller written and directed by Tony Gilroy. (Source: IMDB)
Coke Brands: Michael Clayton plays cards at a table in Chinatown, there is an opened diet Coke can on the side table. In Michael's son Henry's bedroom, there is a Coca-Cola can on the shelf behind other toys and action figures on the desk. When Clayton enters the hotel room in Milwaukee to meet with the firm's legal team, there is a diet Coke can next to the water pitcher on the counter and another one on the end table next to the table lamp. Arthur Eden strolls through Times Square and the landmark Coca-Cola outdoor sign is visible in the background. Michael talks to Gabe who's eating breakfast in a diner and in the background there's a Coke fountain dispenser with the Coca-Cola Wave graphic. As Michael and Henry leave Raymond's birthday party in upstate New York, a 2-liter bottle of Sprite and a partial view of a 2-liter Coke are seen in the kitchen.

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